Depending on the publishing system used, for example, this field will often automatically include the title of the page in question. (This is virtually the same text that browsers display in their title bar on the page in question see image next. See also the main title of this article and the browser title bar.) The essence of online marketing happens to be essential here.

Natural search result description text (snippet)

For this text snippet, Google takes this text from the “description” metadata field of the page most often found in search results (but not always, it depends on many things). The content of this field is virtually invisible to the end-user in no context other than the search results. Note that even keywords in the description text are in bold.

This text has no effect on the position of the page in the search results, but its significance lies in the fact that the user is much more likely to click on a page that has an attractive snippet in the search results. Good publishing systems allow a page writer to create a different page-specific “description” text for each page.

The URL of the natural search result (so-called URL)

Note that the keywords in the search phrase in the plain language web address are in bold. Google only shows the beginning and the end of a long address.

Good publishing systems allow a page writer to customize the page address as a webpage containing keywords plays an important role in achieving good search results.

Link to Google’s cached copy of the site

Behind this link is a copy of the site, cached to Google’s database, at the crawl. This allows you to view the site, for example, when the original page is unavailable for some reason.

Many other elements often appear in Google’s search results, but here we went through the most common things about the search results that Google’s text search shows and where those fields appear on each page. Steps 2 to 4 are also things that editing is an important part of search engine optimization.

Do you maintain a website for your business and would like to make sure that your site can be found as best as possible on Google? Google has an excellent YouTube channel called Google Webmaster Central where Matt Cutts, President of Google, answers questions from webmasters on various aspects of website design, maintenance and search engine visibility.

Whether or not you should include keywords in your website’s domain

In the videos, Matt goes through some of the most common questions about Google’s visibility on websites, in quite clear and understandable terms, and with practical examples. We recommend that you first listen to what the Google search engine man says.